made while taking MAS962,
Dynamic Typography, a class taught by Prof. John Maeda at the
MIT Media Lab. The sketches completed for this class had a significant
impact on early thinking about ActiveText, particularly our approach
to representing glyphs.
These sketches
were (unfortunately) made in an early version of J++, and therefore
need to be viewed with Explorer on a Windows machine.
Creators |
E. Lewis
Scott Snibbe
Golan Levin
is reminiscent of the huge scheduling boards found in old train
stations. As you type, letters map to words and they briefly lie
on the grid. The first character remains while the rest spin back
to their original values. Hold down a key to paint with words that
tickle your eye as they spin back. Clear the grid by clicking in
the black margin. You can almost hear the click-click-click.
Filters |
Filters is an
excercise in semantic filter, i.e., instead of just filtering on
the appearance of text, you can apply filters based on its existence
as ASCII text. Choose from enhance, blur or noise.
Just move the slider, when you let go the filter is applied. Enhance
looks for synonyms. The smaller the filter value, the closer the
synonym is to the original word. Blur pushes words back in
etymological history. Noise free associates. IMPORTANT NOTE:
filter iis hard-coded to handle the words already in the text area.
Dynatext |
Dynatext works
by reading in a stroke letterform, then using this letterform as
the raw input to a spring and mass simulation. A guide object is
pulled along the letterform. Attached to the guide is a mass attached
by a spring. The path traced out by the spring is drawn to create
the letterform. Inspiration comes from Paul
Haeberli's Dynadraw,
which uses this technique as the basis for calligraphic drawing.
Two parameters (vertical sliders) may be used to modify the simulation.
K Changing this control makes the spring constant stronger
or weaker. A spring constant of zero (top of slider) makes the stroke
follow the normal form of the letter. D Controls the damping
of the mass - at the bottom of the slider, the value is maximal,
allowing no motion. Modify these parameters by pulling the small
block within the slider. You can actually pull the block outside
of the normal range - try negative values to add energy to the system.
One additional control is a button which allows you to make the
strokes separate or connected. A dashed line indicates the separate
state. When you begin to fill up the screen, old characters will
scroll upwards and away.
Phonemation |
animate based on their phonetic quality.
p, b, t, d, k, g, q
fricatives: f, v, th, s, z, sh, h
affricates: ch, j
nasals: m, n, ng
liquids: l, r
glides: y, w, wh
Try typing these:
why why why
pages full of q's, l's
kinky, chatter, north, theremin, typewriter
pound on the keyboard.
SmoothTalker |
letters, and Barry White smoothly delivers your phonemes.
Some good choices
me, my, I, u, I love you
Franz |
is an excercise in Rapid Serial Visualization. Our task was to present
a passage from Kafka in ten seconds, with no more than two words
appearing on the screen at any instant of time. Franz's solution
is to present words from the outside in. Experimental results show
that the beginning and endings of words are more salient for recognition
than the interior. Thus, we present the letters gradually fading
up based on their cognitive importance. The applet parses a file
which has values for the words, their timing and the visual effect.
We leave longer words and less frequently encountered words on the
screen for a longer time, also based on experimental results.
Multiplane |
Multiplane is
a chat client with a tasty interface. Whenever a word is typed into
Multiplane,it broadcasts the word to a central server at the Media
Lab which then broadcasts it to all other connected clients. Multiplan
also listens for new words that have been sent by other clients
to the server. Different "speakers" are denoted by color, and the
position at which they come in on the right hand side of the screen.
the server was taken down at the end of the class, so there is no
working demo of this until we around to replicating it.